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 Photo: Tuva Axbom

I am a researcher in geobiology/paleobiology at the Department of Palaeobiology, Swedish Museum of Natural History. My main research interest is the deep biosphere of the igneous crust, both subseafloor and continental. Lately, fungi in such deep environments have been my focus; to understand the diversity, their ecological role and evolution in the deep crust. My research is related to astrobiology and I have investigated deep microbial life in impact craters to understand how such structures could support life at depths on other terrestrial planets. I also explore microbial ecosystems in artificial, subsurface environments like the Stockholm metro system and mines to understand how deep life responds to anthropogenic influence.


I am also an author of fiction and have published one novel and one collection of poems.


 Photo: Tuva Axbom


Thirsty fungi

Kristoffer Palmgren is working in the lab with fungi for bioremediation. In the film, fungi from the Kungsträdgården metro station, Stockholm, is absorbing used engine oil into their mycelium.


The book "Tracking the Deep Biosphere through Time" is published!

Buy it here:



I just published my new book "Stryk mig moturs"


Buy it at:



Är tid bara ett påhitt, ett kontrollsystem som riggats för att hålla oss alla i schack? Efter att ha fått sparken åker Tim Glas med stukat självförtroende till Denver för att skriva ett reportage om konferensen Time and Consciousness. Väl på plats träffar han Lynn som blir hans guide ner i en underjordsvärld där han dras in i en vendetta med tiden själv. Vilka skuggor från sitt förflutna måste Tim bekämpa för att vinna sin egen framtid? Och går det att vinna mot tidens vingslag?

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Cover: Anna Neubeck

I´m in a new book called "Svamparnas planet".


Listen to an interview with me and Jesper at Vetenskapspodden P1:

svamparnas planet.jpg

Check out our new company: MycoMine



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