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2008/04/11  Doctoral Thesis                                             

“Fossilized microorganisms in volcanic rocks from sub-seafloor environments”

Stockholm University


2006/02/13  Licentiate Thesis                                           

“Microbe-mineral interactions in hydrothermal systems: conditions for a deep biosphere”

Stockholm University


2003/05/25  MasterDegree

“Hydrothermal activity in association with

 hotspot volcanism at Emperor Seamounts”

 Stockholm University


2020/08/01 - Associate Professor

Department of Palaeobiology, Swedish Museum of Natural History.


2017/08/01 - 2020/07/31 Associate Professor

Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark.


2013/01/01 – 2017/07/31  Researcher

Department of Palaeobiology, Nordic Center for Earth Evolution (NordCEE), Swedish Museum of Natural History. Partly funded by Swedish Research Council.


2011/01/01 – 2012/12/30  Post doctoral researcher

Department of Palaeozoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Nordic Center for Earth Evolution (NordCEE), University of Southern Denmark, Odense.


2010/04/01 – 2010/12/30 Post doctoral researcher

Department of Palaeozoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History. Funded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.


2009/05/01-2010/03/30 Post doctoral researcher

Department of Palaeozoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History.


2008/06/26 – 2008/12/30 Post doctoral researcher Department of Geology and Geochemistry, Stockholm University


2004/05/01 – 2008/06/25 PhD student              

Department of Geology and Geochemistry, Stockholm University

Professional memberships

Board member. Geologins dag.


Board member. Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre.


Member of section committee. The section for Earth Sciences, Stockholm University, 2005-2008.


ISSOL The International Astrobiology Society


SWAN (Swedish Astrobiology Network)


The Geochemical Society


Nordic Mineralogical Network


NordCEE (Nordic Center for Earth Evolution)


Swedish Mineralogical Society


International Mineralogical Society

Invited talks

Astrobiologi: hitta liv på Mars (2021-11-09) Webinar Bioresurs/NRM.


Hur är det att vara en svamp? (2021-10-14) Conversation with Merlin Sheldrake and Andrev Walden. NRM/Volante Publishing.


Mars, den blå planeten? (2021-09-22) Webinar Bioresurs/NRM.


Impacts and life (2021-09-16) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University.


Är Mars också svamparnas planet? (2021-05-06) Webinar Bioresurs/NRM.


Utan samarbete ingen digitalisering (2021) Museernas dag.


Hitta liv på Mars (2021) Webinar Bioresurs/NRM.


Fungal Biofilm on Cu-Mineralized Speleothem from the Kiruna Magnetite Mine, Sweden (2020) Goldschmidt, online.


Fungi from submarine volcanic rocks, Vesteris Seamount Greenland Basin (2020) Goldschmidt, online.


Jorden, svamparnas planet (2020) Forskarfredag, NRM, live.


Jorden, svamparnas planet (2020) Forskarfredag, NRM, Rytmus Gymnasium, Borlänge, online.


Life on Mars (2019) Fyns Association for Engineers, Odense, Denmark.


Fossil record of igneous crust and implications for life on Mars (2018) Aarhus University, Denmark.


Fossils from the deep biosphere – implications for life on Mars (2018) Edinburgh University, Scotland.


Biologically produced H2 in deep anoxic settings (2018) Hamburg University, Germany.


The fossil record of volcanic rocks (2018) Yearly meeting of the Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre, Tartu, Estonia.


Raman and SRTXM techniques for study of potential biostructures, biominerals, and fossils in subseafloor igneous rock (2018) SUSTAIN workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland.


The fossil record of igneous crust (2018) EGU, Vienna, Austria.


Microfossil Atlas for Mars missions (2018) SRS annual meeting, Kiruna, Sweden.


Molecules on Meteorites and on the Planet Mars (2018) Senior University, Stockholm, Sweden.


Urban Underground Ecology – Life in the Stockholm metro system (2018) University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.


Sökandet efter liv på Mars (2017) Evolutionsmuseet, Uppsala, Sweden.


The fossil record of igneous crust (2017) Taphos conference, Vienna, Austria.


Sökandet efter liv på Mars (2017) Forskarfredag, Science Center, Stenugnsund.


The Siljan impact – an introduction (2017) Yearly meeting of the Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre. Dalecarlia Hotel, Tällberg, Sweden.


Sökandet efter liv i universum (2017) Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. Talk and film in Cosmonova.


Sökandet efter liv i universum (2017) Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. Talk for Gymnasium students.


Fossilized microorganisms in basalt. (2017) Critical measurements in martian geobiology with Mars-2020: findings signs of past rock-hosted life. NASA online workshop.


Liv på stora djup. Stockholms Naturvetenskapliga Förening (2016). Stockholm.


Wanted dead or alive: the deep biosphere of the oceanic crust (2016) Bremen University.


Wanted dead or alive: the deep subseafloor biosphere (2016) Bern University.


The deep biosphere of the igneous oceanic crust (2016). Yearly meeting of the Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre, Hedenlunda slott, Sweden.


Detection of fossilized life in the oceanic igneous crust (2015) Ecord summer school, MARUM, Bremen, Germany.


Exploration of the deep subseafloor biosphere – implications for astrobiology (2014). Annual meeting of the Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre.


The subsurface as a universal habitat (2014) Hot Topic seminar at the Astrobiology Centre, Stockholm University.


The deep biosphere of subseafloor crust (2014). NordCEE workshop, Copenhagen,Denmark.


The deep biosphere of subseafloor crust and its geobiological impact (2014). Keynote speaker at the Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 2014, Lund, Sweden.


Geobiologi i Kungsträdgårdens tunnelbanestation (2012) Stockholms Lokaltrafik (SL).


Impacts and life (2012) Annual meeting of NordCEE and the Danish Research Council.


Impact-induced hydrothermal systems as habitats for microbial life (2012) Centre for Astrobiology (CAB), Madrid, Spain.


Biogeology and speleothems in Tjuv-Antes grotta, N. Sweden. A preliminary report (2011). Second international conference on granite caves, Sweden.


Impacts and life (2011). SRS (Svenska Rymdforskares Samarbetsgrupp) annual meeting 2011, Lund Observatory.


Rock boring fungi in modern and Miocene sediments (2010). The Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA.


Fossilized microorganisms in subseafloor basalts (2010). Workshop in Copenhagen between NordCEE and the Geobiology Centre of the Bergen University.


Fossilized microorganisms in subseafloor/subsurface environments (2009). Uppsala University.


Fossilized microorganisms in ocean floor basalts: bacteria, archaea and/or fungi? (2009) NordCEE (Nordic Center for Earth Evolution), Odense, Denmark.


Fossilized fungi in ocean floor basalts/volcanic rocks (2009). SLU (Swedish Agricultural University), Uppsala, Sweden.


Microscale analyses of fossilized microorganisms in rocks: preparation for Mars sample return (2008). Gothenburg University, SwAN (Swedish Astrobiology Network) workshop.


Microscale analyses of fossilized microorganisms in rocks: preparation for Mars sample return (2008). Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm.


Fossilized microorganisms from the Emperor Seamounts: implications for the search for a sub-surface fossil record on Earth and beyond (2007). Nordita (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics), Stockholm. SwAN (Swedish Astrobiology Network) workshop.


Fossiliserade mikroorganismer från hydrotermala miljöer under havsbotten – Emperor Seamounts som analog till miljöer på Mars (2007). Swedish Aurora Workshop, organized by the Swedish National Space Board.


Mikrob-mineral interaktioner i hydrotermala system: förhållanden för en djupbiosfär (2006). Annual meeting of the Geologklubben (Association of Stockholm Geology Students).

Research grants


Carl Tryggers Stiftelse. Impacts and life.



SUBIC. Equipment time for x-ray microscope. Visualization of fungal cycling of metals.



Paul Scherrer Institute, TOMCAT Beamline, SLS. “SRXTM insights into major evolutionary transitions.” With Phil Donoghue, Martin Rucklin, Else-Marie Friis, Stefan Bengtson.



Natur & Kultur bokförlag. Working stipend for the book “Steget ut i rymden”.



Norwegian Research Foundation. “EnterDeep”: Environmental Impact of Microbial Interaction with Deep Oceanic Crust. Co-applicant.



Carl Tryggers Stiftelse. Clues to life’s cryptic past: Deciphering the fossil record of iron microstromatolites in deep crust and deep time.



Stockholm municipal, LONA. Kunskapsled i Stockholm. Co-applicant.



Swedish Research Council. Project title: Life in deep rock and deep time.


2017- Magnus Bergvalls stiftelse.

Project title: Urban underground ecology: biodiversity and microbial interactions in the Stockholm metro system.


2014-2017 Swedish National Space Board.

Project title: Impact of nickel isotope fractionation in biogeochemical processes on Earth and other planets. Co-applicant.


2013-2016 Swedish Research Council.

Project title: Exploration of the deep biosphere.


2013 P.E. Lindahls foundation (The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences).

Project title: Nickel as a biomarker in ancient and contemporary rocks. Co-applicant.


2012 The Barringer Family Fund for Meteorite Impact Research.

Project title: Impacts and Life.


2012 Riksmusei vänner.

Swedish title: Nedslagskratrar och liv.


2011-2013 Swedish National Space Board.

Project title: Impacts and life.


2010 The foundation “Lars Hiertas minne”.

Project title: Presence of fungi in deep subsurface bedrock of Äspö, Sweden, and its impact on the final repository for nuclear waste.


2010 P.E. Lindahls foundation (The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences).

Project title: Mn-biomineralization at the Vani Mn-ores, Milos, Greece.


2010 American Paleontological Society.

Travel grant


2010 Swedish Research Council.

Travel grant.


2009 Helge Ax:son Johnsons Foundation.

Project title: Fossilized fungi in drilled cores from Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory.


2009 Swedish National Space Board.

Project title: Alteration of mafic impact ejecta from the Lockne impact structure, Sweden. Co-applicant


2008 Swedish National Space Board.

Project title: Ablation of hard geologic materials; astrobiology at picoscale – a pilot study. Co-applicant.


2008 SMF (Stockholm Marine Research Center).

Grants for sample preparation.


2007 SMF (Stockholm Marine Research Center).

Travel grants for the 16th Annual V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Melbourne, Australia.


2006 NorFA (Nordic Academy for Advanced Study).

Travel grants to perform Laser ablation ICP-MS analyses in Oulu, Finland.


2006 SMF (Stockholm Marine Research Center).

Grants for sample preparation.


2005 SMF (Stockholm Marine Research Center).

Travel grant for the 14th International Conference on the Origin of Life, Beijing, China.

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